Mosses (Bryophyta)
- Not have roots and leaves of a true, well not yet have a real vessel.
- Roots, absorbing organ is rizoid haranya.
- Moss plant leaves can photosynthesize.
Rotation descent
" Moss has rotation descent in the life cycle . What is known as the stage of mosses is the gametophyte (gamete-producing plants) are haploid "
Thus, there is tumbuhanlumut males and females as a single plant can not produce two sex cells simultaneously.
Male sex cells ( sperm cells ) generated from anteridium and female sex cells ( egg or ovum ) is located in thearkegonium . Both of these sex cells producing organs located at the top of the plant. Anteridium the cook will release the sperm cells. Sperm cells to swim ( fertilization occurs when wet environmental conditions ) to arkegonium to fertilize the ovum.
The fertilized ovum will grow into sporophytes are diploid (x = 2n) and short-lived (3-6 months to reach a stage of maturity).
Sporophytes will form a capsule called sporogonium at the end. Sporogonium containing haploid spores are formed through meiosis . Sporogonium cook will release the spores. The spores grow into a files calledprotonem a . These files grow and expand at a certain stage will foster a new gametophyte. "
Classification of mosses
consists of three classes, namely:
consists of three classes, namely:
- Hepaticopsida class (Hepaticae)
- Anthocerotopsida class (Anthocerotae)
- Bryopsida class (Musci)
Characteristics - The characteristics Hepaticopsida
- Gametophyte is green, flat, dorsiventral, the structure is simple or terdifrensiasi talus on the stems and leaves, attached to the ground by using rizoid
- Sporofit not have cells that contain chloroplasts and in it there is no kolumella
- Spores do not germinate through the establishment of Prototype
- Asexual propagation
- fragmentation
- bud formation (Gemma) in marchantia example, Lunularia and Blasia
- Establishment of branch shoots fluitan Riccia example, Targionia and Reboulia
- The formation of tubers (tuber) Petalophyllum eg, Anthoceros
- Thickening of the end of the talus Anthalamia example,
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Liver moss |
2.Kelas Antheroceropsida / Moss Horn
Characteristics - Characteristics:
- Sheet-shaped gametophyte
- Elongated tubular sporophytes upward, like a horn
- In the "horn" is produced spores
- Talus homogeneous anatomical structure, each cell mengandng one chloroplast with a large pirenoid
- S porogonium capsule consists of foot and alone,
- Prototype does not form spores germinate,
- Asexual propagation with liver moss
- Terdiri 1 yaitu Ordo Ordo Anthocerotales. Contohnya: Anthoceros, Phaeceros, Megaceros give Denroceros
Moss Horn
Bryopsida 3.Kelas
class is the largest and highest levels of development among the three classes briopyta. Known as the moss leaf
class is the largest and highest levels of development among the three classes briopyta. Known as the moss leaf
- Prototype small leaf-shaped, each Bond will only form one gametopora
- Gametofora consisting of a branched stems with leaves and gameetofora not have rizoid
- S porangium have wide feet, Seta only form of depression between the distance from the capsule. Not available in capsule peristom
Benefits of mosses
Some mosses used as an ornament layout. Several species of Sphagnum can be used as a skin and eye medications.
Moss growing on the forest floor to help keep rain erosion, reduce flood hazards, and can absorb water during the dry season.
2 التعليقات:
Interesting! Thanks for sharing.
The first idea came into my mind as a practitioner in drug screening is that does this type of plant have any natural compound that can be applied medically?
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