الأحد، 29 أبريل 2012

Atmosphere (a layer of air)

Atmosphere (a layer of air)

The composition of the atmosphere
Atmosphere comes from the word " Atmo "which means the air and" SFERA "which means layers. So basically the atmosphere is a layer of earth yangmenyelimuti air. Layer of the Earth's atmosphere meurut the experts think - about the thickness of 700Km of sea level.Based on the difference in air temperature and altitude, the atmosphere is divided into epmat namely: Earth terdir of a solid object (lithosphere), bendacair (hydrosphere), and gaseous (atmospheric). All three are very influential for the survival of humans and other beings.

A. Troposphere layer

Troposphere is the lowest atmospheric layer and closest to the Earth's surface. With a height of 0 Kmsampai 12 km from the sea. Air properties that are characteristic of this layer, which we climbed 100 meters of each air temperature will drop by 0.5 ° Csampai 0.64 ° C and vice versa if we go down 100 meters of the air temperature will also stake as much as 0.5 ° C to 0, 64 ° C. The layer of the troposphere is essential to human life because it: Provides oxygen, nitrogen, and substance - other substances that are beneficial to the survival of living things. Place the process of forming weather phenomena, such as wind, rain, clouds, and so much needed living 

B. Startosfer layer
Wave reflection
The second layer of the earth's surface has a height of 12 Km and 50 Km from the sea.Lapisanini also very important for life because the layer of ozone is the gathering place of the substance it is called a zone leyer layer. This is a function of the ozone layer protects the earth from the direct influence of light ultaviolet.Ultraviolet light is very hot bahakan if directly exposed on the surface of the earth be scorched. 

C. Mesosphere layer

The third layer of the atmosphere is mesosferyang altitude 50 Km to 80 Km from the sea. Benefits of the mesosphere is the layer may reflect radio waves and television (VHF and UHF).So that we can listen to radio and watch television.

 D. Thermosphere layer

Thermos meaning heat. Layer is a layer of hot thermosphere. With a height of 80 Km to 700 KM dariatas sea. In this layer the temperature increase is very significant because of the influence of ultraviolet radiation X-rays. In the thermosphere also occur layer ionization, which causes the accumulation of protons and electrons so that the coating layer is also called the ionosphere

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